Ball Busters and Mansplainers

In such a heightened time of awareness as we are in right now (2018)…on topics of gender equality, workplace equality, social equality…I am both excited and  frightened..and I am still processing and evaluating.  I have some strong opinions on where I stand philosophically on these topics and current events…but I am not ready to share those yet, not because I am shy to share them, but rather, given transitions in my own life, I don’t believe I have fully developed my belief set yet.  Instead I want to talk about something related, but closer to my day to day home in the corporate setting.

In a conversation the other day with S, he brought up the term ‘mansplaining’ to describe what had a happened to a friend of mine in a story I was telling him.  Mansplaining is defined as the process by which, typically a man, will explain something in a condescending and patronizing manner to a woman.  Continue reading “Ball Busters and Mansplainers”